Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Natural Resource Festival

The Natural Resource Festival this year was a success. Lots of people came through and learned a lot about Vermicomposting. This first picture is of Chuck and our booth.
Here's the view along one of the walls across the arena from us. The last two years the event has been held at the Sevier Valley Center on the mezanine. On the floor is a Home and Garden show going on at the same time. There is also an art show going on at the same time. It's nice that they've moved it all into one building.

Our kids had a blast too. We hung out there Thursday after school and then again on Saturday. The pictures are all from Saturday.
This contraption spins around, sideways, upside down etc. Shayla was pretty freaked out and lasted all of about 2 minutes. None of my other kids would even attempt it.

This next picture is courtesy of Capitol Reef National Park's booth.

The Hoogle Zoo booth this year had a King Snake and this Tortoise. Joshua absolutely loved hanging out with the Tortoise. At one point he and Shayla went out and picked danilions to feed it. He loved them.

Chuck is always looking for funny hats. He bought this one from Oriental Trading. It's a hamburger! Cool huh.

This was a fun booth. The fire is fake, but looked so real.

There was a petting zoo this year (if you can call two llamas, a pony a few goats and a couple of rabbits a pettying zoo). In this picture you can see one of the baby goats along with a full grown rabbit. That baby goats was the size of the rabbit. The babies were so dang cute! The mom and dad goats were only about 18-20 inches tall! I want one.

Here are a couple of the baby goats.

Here is Joshua petting the shetland pony. He had a lot of fun at the petting zoo.

Here is the last picture of the festival. At the end someone at another booth was taking the number off the wall and stuck it on Joshua. Then a whole bunch of other people started doing the same thing. He looked so funny walking around with all the numbers on him.

Well, that was the festival for 2009. It had a great turn out and we had a wonderful time.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Recycle Utah

Chuck will be doing a seminar at Recycle Utah in Park City on Tuesday evening 6:00 pm. Email us if you are interested in attending : rottenapplewormfarm@yahoo.com