L-O-V-E-D it! I've got pictures on my phone. I'll have to get them onto my computer so I can post them here.
We have restocked Olson's Nursery in Lehi, Utah, as well as, Larsen's Ace Hardware in Richfield, Utah. We're also all registered for this years Pioneer Park Farmer's Market in Salt Lake City.
We have been experiencing really nice weather lately here in central Utah, but guess what!!! Two inches of snow fell over night. Okay, so it's pretty much gone now, but it was not a pretty sight this morning. It has continued to snow on and off all day, and is expected for a few more days. Poor Chuck had to go out and turn the heat back on in the sheds.
Speaking of Chuck, he's getting geared up for harvesting next week. I'll have to get some pictures of him out slaving over the worms/castings.
We look to be able to stay the entire market this year, we had to stop early because we sold out of product so quickly. We doubled our size this past year and shouldn't have that problem this year . . well, actually, it would be nice to sell out again. . .that would mean people LOVE worm castings and can't get enough of our great organic product.
I've been working on updating our website. We've been told it wasn't easy to navigate. Hopefully by the end of next week you can find it easier to get around on.
Well, that's all the news here at our place. Hope everything is going good for our readers!
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